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Introducing Botsfolio: A Crypto Trading Bot Focusing on User Convenience

Bitcoin has been surging in prices in the past few months, doubling and even tripling in price to over $61k. The second-largest crypto asset, Ethereum, is also enjoying significant price increases. It’s no doubt that crypto is one of the best investments of the 21st century.

However, many investors have been reluctant to invest due to past crypto volatility cases. Others are ready to invest but lack the expertise on the best investment strategies.

Moreover, another investment challenge is timing. Most people cannot predict the best time to join and exit a market and thus make mistakes costing thousands of dollars.

Recently, there have been developing crypto trading bots, which help users maximize their incomes by avoiding human emotion in investment decision making. These platforms have been designed with autonomous features that study the markets, understand the assets’ intrinsic values, and buy the assets at the lowest values possible.

One such platform is Botsfolio. What is Botsfolio, how does it work, and how does it differ from its competitors? Keep reading to find out more.

Botsfolio Overview

Botsfolio is a leading crypto trading bot designed to provide simplicity and convenience to new and experienced crypto traders. This bot aims to ensure that its users benefit highly from the strategies used in trading and crypto investing. Currently, the platform focuses on Binance traders only.

Botsfolio has autonomous analytical tools that help notice the best time to purchase an asset and the best time to leave the market. It has 24/7 market access; thus, it can monitor it, identify price changes, buy at low prices, and sell high. Using the bot works better than holding assets, which may lead to losses in the long run.

What’s Unique About Botsfolio?

AI with skills of a professional hedge fund manager

There are currently over a dozen crypto trading bots, all promising investors short and long-term profits. But what distinguishes Botsfolio from other peers?

Trading bots were created to provide simplicity for users. However, today’s trading bots require the user to create an investment strategy to configure again and again. Most investors have little to no knowledge of how to code or trade. Most pre-made bots focus only on trading one pair with some strategy that generally fails after a few months. So, this is an entry barrier to beginners interested in bots.

Botsfolio, however, sets out to be the best crypto trading bot for Binance traders, with no trading or coding requirements. They execute multiple strategies to give users a diverse portfolio that can perform even when markets change direction. This network is utterly autonomous; hence, an investor does not select a portfolio or investment strategy.

When signing up, the investor takes a risk assessment quiz, which helps design the best-automated strategy based on the user’s risk allowance. The artificial intelligence systems manage the portfolio professionally, just like a hedge fund manager.

In the Botsfolio platform, even users with no crypto knowledge can benefit from investing in crypto. A user only needs to invest and watch as the bots complete the trades to increase their portfolio.

Investment Security in Botsfolio

Many crypto platforms, exchanges, and other trading bots store your assets in wallets which can be easily hacked. The even bigger problem is that these platforms use custodial systems to store your assets and control how and when you use them. In most instances, you are required to produce a verifying party for a withdrawal to go through.

Botsfolio, however, does not store nor restrict the access of your funds. Once your strategies are set, Botsfolio will only trade directly from your crypto exchange. You will remain fully in control of your assets and accounts and choose to withdraw anytime or reinvest the income.

The APIs connecting your Botsfolio to Binance is also encrypted, thus restricting your exchange account access. Clearly, Botfolio ensures that your assets and investments remain safe with you.

How to Start Using Botsfolio

Since the platform is made with the consideration of beginner crypto investors, the steps are utterly simple. Here is how to set up Botsfolio bots;

Sign up for the services. The sign-up icon is found in the home page dashboard. You will fill out a few details like email and password to create your account.

Secondly, you need to set your investment goal to allow the bots to make an investment strategy. You will respond to a few questions on what you need from your investment.

Connect to your Binance exchange account- Since this platform supports Binance only, you need to link the Binance account. However, they recommend that you set up an independent account that solely focuses on bot trading, so you avoid manual trades. Using Botsfolio on Binance earns you a 10% discount on the trading fee.

You have to fund your Binance account and, finally, leave the bots to do the trading for you.

Botsfolio Portfolio Strategies

Botsfolio creates a trading strategy based on your response to the questions asked. This strategy is based on your attitude towards the length of your investment, the type of long-term earning, etc. There are currently four strategies;

Value Investment Strategy

In value investing, 80% of your investment is allocated to high-performing assets, while the inferior bit is invested in upcoming or growing industries. The bots buy assets at a price lower than the intrinsic value. Determination of the intrinsic value is not easy.

However, Botsfolio instills autonomous models helping determine the intrinsic value of the coins. Also, the platform has systems to monitor the price drops. For the value investing strategy to work effectively, you have to invest your assets for an extended period. The risk involved in value investing is moderate.

Hedged Trading Strategy

Hedged trading involves mixing spots (80%) and futures (20%), thus mitigating risks and increasing investment return. The risk level in hedged trading is moderate.

The Botsfolio leverages a strategy dubbed straddle, a neutral point involving a long spot trade and a short futures trade. This strategy may seem not profitable in the short run, but as time moves and the market direction is clear, the bots will keep the profitable trades open.

The strategy has medium risks and has the potential to bring extremely high returns.

Futures Trading

Futures trading is a strategy where 100% of the wealth is allocated to futures. Here, the risks involved are incredibly high, but the potential for returns is excellent.

Botsfolio leverages a mix of the strategies below to ensure success in futures trading;

Swing trading on the price movements

Trading by looking at the trends

Scalping to gain small gains several times daily

Investing for Fixed Income

Botsfolio provides a savings account allowing the users to earn interests at the rate of 6% to 8% p.a by using USDT as collateral. The savings account on Botsfolio carries the following two benefits;

Fixed-income returns- Since the assets are locked in accounts for a while, they will earn a fixed income.

US dollar inflation advantage- The USD-backed stable coins will be subject to the USD’s inflation rate. Since USD inflation is always lower than almost all other fiats, your assets locked will appreciate the value of the inflation difference between the USD and your base currency. (appreciation =Inflation Fiat X- Inflation USD)

Pricing in Botsfolio

Botsfolio has three of the best pricing options in the market depending on your portfolio value;

For a value between $1k-$3k, it charges $5 a month.

$3k-$10k, $10 a month

$10k-$50k, $15 monthly

All the above are subject to a 15% performance fee charged quarterly. You can make the payment using Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash.

Benefits of Using Botsfolio

One of the benefits of using this platform is an investor does not have to be looking at the platform 24/7. You access professional strategies most common in investment banks. Additionally, you won’t spend time configuring or managing your investments since the bots are designed for that.

Leveraging multiple strategies in investing also is another benefit of Botsfolio. That helps mitigate the risks and increase the outcome.

Additionally, Botsfolio gives you growth updates on your portfolio. You can easily track the performance on the dashboard.

Final Word

The Botsfolio platform is a classy trading bot providing full automation to help all investors maximize their income. Unlike in many other trading bots, using Botsfolio does not require any expert investment knowledge; even a beginner can easily invest and generate good yields.

The platform leverages strategies like value investing, hedged trading, futures trading, and fixed income investments to ensure that every investor, be it risk-ready or risk-averse, can benefit. Moreover, the pricing is quite fair since there are different pricing options for various value investors.

Due to Botsfolio’s release, investing in crypto is relatively easy, and the returns are excellent. As experts are already predicting, crypto assets like Ethereum and Bitcoin have high prospects. Be ready for future crypto disruptions by signing up for Botsfolio’s services to enjoy long-term returns.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. Readers are encouraged to conduct further research before taking any action. Crypto Adventure does not endorse any crypto projects cryptocurrencies listed, mentioned, or linked to on our site.

Source: Crypto Adventure