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JustLiquidity – Decentralized Finance (DeFi) at Its Finest

JustLiquidity is a next-generation liquidity protocol and token launch platform that seeks to revolutionize the sector in some remarkable ways. The platform features a unique design that integrates seamlessly within the UniSwap and JustSwap ecosystems. In this way, JustLiquidity rewards liquidity providers with ETH and JUL tokens for their participation.

The goal of JustLiquidity is to provide token holders with liquidity, reward liquidity providers, and increase the JUL token price gradually. To that extent, the platform works perfectly. Users gain instant liquidity via this decentralized protocol. Remarkably, JustLiquidity automatically adjusts its token supply based on available liquidity in the market.

What Problems Does JustLiquidity Solve?

JustLiquidity is a new form of DeFi platform that aims to solve one of the oldest problems facing the cryptomarket, a lack of liquidity. Currently, new DeFi projects must scrounge for liquidity during their launch. Sadly, this lack of liquidity leaves both companies and investors at the mercy of the market.

For example, in a traditional ICO or IEO, the project’s development team has full control over the amount and timing of token issuances. This allows the developers to issue a token whenever they please. In turn, investors are left open to losses.

Additionally, most ICO launch platforms are unable to provide firms with time-locked team and company tokens. This scenario can lead to a flooding of tokens into the market. This influx of tokens causes prices to drop. Buyers are left incurring these losses directly because there is no liquidity for them to exchange their project’s tokens against. In the end, the entire market suffers.

Major investors are keen to avoid these issues. Therefore they only stick to projects that offer instant liquidity. Until now, this meant only the largest and best-funded projects. Now, any startup can provide their investors with this security and peace of mind.

JustLiquidity Changes Everything

JustLiquidity removes these concerns from the market through the integration of a variety of proprietary protocols. These benefits make JustLiquidity a smart option for anyone seeking a more secure token launch or investment strategy. Here are just a few of the benefits this platform introduces to the market:

Benefits to Liquidity Token Sale

JustLiquidity provides unmatched flexibility and security to companies seeking a token launch strategy that works. Unlike the competition, all projects on the JustLiquidity platform start from day one with instant liquidity for all token buyers. Additionally, the platform introduces features such as time-locked company and team tokens based on the total locked liquidity available.

Advantages to Liquidity Providers

Few platforms in the blockchain sector provide users with benefits equal to JustLiquidity. For example, users earn 0.2% interest daily and up to 72% interest yearly on all ETH liquidity deposits. This interest gets paid to users daily. In this way, JustLiquidity offers market participants additional access to a passive revenue stream. Best of all, you can add and remove your ETH as you deem fit. Crucially, there are never any early withdrawal penalties.

How Does JustLiquidity Work?

JustLiquidity is easy to set up and even easier to use. The first step to participate in this revolutionary protocol is to deposit Ethereum into a JustLiquidity contract. From here, all ETH and the Project Tokens get deposited into the UniSwap Liquidity Pool. Critically, as users withdraw ETH from the contract, the project tokens get removed from the Pool. This strategy ensures that your project token will never be available without liquidity.


JustLiquidity leverages advanced protocols to guarantee that the liquidity balance stays above that of token issuance. Every time a JustLiquidity contract user adds more ETH as liquidity, the system automatically releases more project tokens into the liquidity Pool. This process continues until the provided project token amount is fully integrated into the Pool.

The process is simple, the more liquidity you provide, and the more tokens release into the liquidity pool. Reversely, the liquidity pool can also reduce the circulating supply of tokens when users remove liquidity from the platform. This strategy is done on the backend with users only noticing the end results. In this way, the platform streamlines the entire process.

JUL Tokens

The native utility token of the JustLiquidity platform is the JUL token. This unique financial instrument features an adjustable total supply structure. The total amount of JUL tokens in circulation increases when more liquidity enters the platform and decreases when liquidity is removed from the Pool. This process occurs in near-real time and in a seamless manner.

JustLiquidity utilizes advanced protocols to help maintain a gradual appreciation of JUL’s market value. The instant liquidity afforded these investors increases confidence in the token. Consequently, JUL token holders can expect a very steady and predictable ROI. Notably, users can also trade JUL on Uniswap.

JUL Token Technical Aspects

The JUL token is an ERC-20 compatible token that lives on the Ethereum blockchain. As such, it enjoys all the advantages and interoperability afforded these tokens. Currently, there are over 180,000 ERC-20 tokens in the market. As such, these tokens have access to the most wallets, platforms, and features of any other token class. In total, there will be an estimated supply of 1,000,000 JUL.

JUL Token Sale

JustLiquidity offered steeply discounted rates to early-bird investors. The platform issueed only 50,000 JUL (5% of total) during its crowdsale, which concluded on September 4th after only 6 hours and 45 minutes. This strategy allows the platform to start with $800,000-$1,000,000 worth of liquidity. Directly following the launch of the platform, developers intend to release another 30,000- 50,000 JUL Tokens as a buy option on Uniswap. These funds will go towards further expansion of the JustLiquidity ecosystem and functionalities.

Crucially, JustLiquidity will set aside the remaining funds to go towards regular audits of its holdings and smart contract protocols. Additionally, the company intends to launch a massive marketing campaign across all forms of media. Specifically, the firm will form partnerships with influencers and major information platforms in the market.

Community Governance

JUL incorporates a decentralized voting structure to help determine what new features and upgrades to add. For example, to add a new JUL trading pair, developers would vote across the JUL community. If the new trading pair gets the necessary votes required, it’s added to the platform. Notably, the new trading pair enters the market based on the actual price ratio from JUL. This strategy helps the platform reduce price and liquidity changes.

Token Release Votes

Interestingly, the JustLiquidity community may also choose to authorize a token issuance via a vote. The process begins with a vote for 15% reserve tokens to be released into the Liquidity Contract. Notably, voting only enables when there are 4.5% tokens from the total supply left in the JustLiquidity Contract.

The voting process lasts for seven days in total and includes the entire JUL network. Every JUL token holder gets a single vote per token. The system automatically initiates a JUL/ETH liquidity contract as soon as 70% of the votes agree on the addition. In this way, JUL keeps in line with the overall openness of the DeFi sector.

How to Start JustLiquidity?

Signing up for JustLiquidity takes only a few minutes. The first step is to go to the platform and install your crypto wallet. It’s recommended that you use MetaMask because it resides directly on your browser and is simple to use. Once your wallet is up, you can select your trading pair. From here, you deposit your ETH liquidity in a smart contract. In the next 24-hours, you will start to receive your rewards in the form of ETH and JUL.

JustLiquidity – DeFi at its Finest

It only takes a quick glimpse at the JustLiquidity project to see that DeFi developers have begun to push the envelope of possibilities to new heights. This platform provides a much-needed service to the market and allows users to earn a passive income. You can expect JustLiquidity to continue to make headlines as it expands into more digital assets in the coming months.

Source: Crypto Adventure