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Meme + Game + NFT = Mcdonalds Coin (MCDC)

Mcdonalds Coin is a gamified digital token that builds on the popular meme and combines it with parody “finance bros” type gameplay. Users can contribute their own content and help guide the storyline forward. Uniquely, the game supports all types of media including memes, images, video, and the written word. You can even submit a spoken word.

Virtual Drive Thu

The game integrates a virtual “Drive-Thru” where you can trade your MCDC tokens. All the tokens are represented by some item you would find at your local fast food spots. There are cheeseburgers, fries, shakes, and more. Each of these items is represented by an art NFT. You can collect and trade these digital assets freely.

Food Trends

The entire project keeps in line with the current trend of naming blockchain apps after your favorite foods. There's already Sushi, Wendys, Burger King, Waffle House, and the list goes on. Of course, none of these projects are affiliated with the actual food establishments. However, it does make the UX more relatable. Consequently, it takes some of the anxiety off of new users.

Mcdonalds Coin is the latest addition to this prestigious group. The game has been public since February 2021 and already they have made some major upgrades. For one, the project started off on Ethereum. Anyone who has used that network lately will tell you that the congestion has made the gas prices go through the roof. They are at their all-time highs currently.

Responsive Development Team

Mcdonalds Coin realized that these added fees were going to negatively affect their users and without hesitation, they moved the platform over to the xDai blockchain on February 25, 2021. This was a wise decision because it enabled the platform to avoid all of those extra costs. Now regular users can use the game as the developers intended without paying outrageous fees. Currently, there are MCDC deployed on both xDai and Ethereum.

Game Play

In the McDonalds Coin universe, there are eight tokens that all hold different strategic values. The game employs game-specific sub tokens and liquidity pools (LPs) as well. Users go to the drive-thru and make purchases. The profitability of their actions depends on the strategic timing and token volume of their orders.

Farm to Table

For those more health concise NFT investors, the platform offers yield farming pools on Unifty. Notably, you can also trade your NFTs with others utilizing MCDC and Unifty. Farming is similar to staking in that you agree to provide liquidity in the form of cryptocurrency to a smart contract in exchange for rewards. Unlike staking, farming pools don't have required lock-up periods.

The MCDC Token

The MCDC coin is what makes everything possible in the network. This token plays a lot of roles within the ecosystem. It’s the main Gameplay token. Additionally, rewards are paid out in MCDC. Notably, there is a total supply of 37,000,000 tokens.

NFT Art on the Rise

The developers behind the McDonalds Coin project really have their hands in a lot of the top trends at the moment. The NFT art world has exploded in value over the last couple of months. McDonalds Coin has also seen growth during that time.

The platform was one of the main Art Exhibits at the virtual museum, Pete’s Art House in Cryptovoxel-Berlin, on March 13th. The developers beat out many other food-themed NFT games and hosted 50 MCDC artworks. These pieces came from a selection of artists including Pope Francis, Sloppa, and Captain Crook.

McDonalds Coin – Ride the Wave

The developers behind the McDonalds Coin project have shown that they are willing to make changes that benefit their users. Notably, the project is the first gamified NFT game launched on xDai. For those seeking alternatives to the current Ethereum gas fees and want to get involved in the NFT art craze, McDonalds Coin offers these features.