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Merging NFT and Politics – 'Lolita Adventures' Launched as a New Collection

The worlds of politics and NFTs have come together unprecedentedly with the launch of the Lolita Adventures collection. This project encapsulates the flight log of former US President Bill Clinton and late financier Jeffrey Epstein into 26 NFTs. Each of these tokens represents a flight taken between them.

ViceHub allows users to acquire, own, and exchange an authentic piece of history by combining NFT technology with real life events. This collection is creating headlines after Donald Trump's NFT incursion normalized political leaders' crypto involvement.

The Lolita Adventures Collection
The spirit of anti-establishment in crypto is taking a new form with the launch of the Lolita Adventures Collection. This NFT series encapsulates former US President Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein's infamous flight log.
This collection consists of 26 NFTs representing each flight taken by Clinton on Epstein's private jet, nick-named 'Lolita Express.' Each NFT is named after the actual date of the flight and made available for auction on OpenSea.

The first NFT, Flight One-II.IX.MMII will be up for sale until February 28th. After that, every 24 hours, the market will see a new NFT until all 26 are available on the market.

With this initiative, ViceHub aims to create a new digital asset genre focusing on satirical and meme-like art. It combines humor with a journalistic ethos to enable people to collect, own, and trade an authentic piece of history.

Background: Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton's Flight Log
The story of Jeffrey Epstein's infamous “Lolita Express” private jet has lived in mystery for years. The disgraced financier's jet allegedly flew Bill Clinton and other influential people around the world.

Epstein's pilot, Larry Visoski, recently revealed during Ghislaine Maxwell's trial that he had flown Clinton on the jet. The flight logs also showed that Prince Andrew had taken several trips on the plane as well.

The media dubbed the plane “Lolita Express” due to allegations that underage girls were on board several flights.

This historical event has now entered the NFT world, allowing people to own a piece of this infamous flight log. This is sure to be one collection that will make waves and impact the world of digital art and politics.

Why NFTs? Immutability of Digital Assets to Preserve History
NFTs are digital assets that establish authenticity and ownership verifiable on a blockchain network. This technology offers a new way to encapsulate historical events in an immutable format – making them unique and sellable.
In recent years, NFTs have attracted artists, content creators, musicians, and athletes. Following Donald Trump's entrance into NFTs, the use of this technology in politics has grown.

ViceHub wants to empower and encourage satire, parody, and meme humor in NFTs' future. Its latest project combines a meme-like technique with a real piece of history.

The links below show ViceHub's NFT work and the OpenSea page for checking out the collection.

NFT Collection (OpenSea):

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