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PlutusSwap, The Revolutionary Defi, Driving Financial Liberation and Empowerment

The year 2020 has witnessed unprecedented growth in Decentralized finance (Defi). According to Defi Pulse, the Total Value Locked in Defi stood at $ 13 Billion as of 18 September 2020. The figure will further increase buttressed by the yield farming that is gaining in popularity. From the sights, the future is all bright for those keen on the financial sector's evolution. Still, access remains a pipe dream to the majority whom Defi seeks to serve. Many projects have come up with innovations promising to open up space to the masses only to turn a cropper.

However, this situation is about to change thanks to PlutusSwap, the new kid on Defi's block that promises to transform the financial sector as we know it radically. It stresses on the accommodation of the majority disenfranchised by the traditional financial systems. What then is PlutusSwap, and what are its offerings to the market? Come with me as we explore this revolutionary product opening the next frontier in decentralized finance.

Unpacking PlutusSwap

PlutusSwap, a product of Plutus Capital, is an AMM-based exchange protocol modeled on Uniswap. The platform pledges to give back to its community financial power and freedom. It uses DEX capabilities to allow users to swap their tokens for others within its liquidity pool. Smart contracts are its tool of choice, automating these exchanges.

The yPTL is PlutusSwap's governance token and runs on ERC 20 blockchain. However, it will migrate to its own Plutus Chain network that is in testing in 2021. The platform emphasizes its community, which holds sway in the ecosystem's management. Further, the Plutus Lending App serves its users.

Production Of yPLT

Plutus Capital will produce a total of 100 million yPTL. The platform will distribute 90% of these through liquidity mining within eight years. 95% of these tokens are for the users' uptake, with the remaining 5% going to the development team.

The other 10% is for presale and raising liquidity required for Uniswaps listing. Plutus will burn reserves from the presale and initial liquidity'. The mining will proceed in these five stages:

Genesis Mining: 100 yPTL/block, Total 50,000 Blocks (~7 days)

Stage 1: 10 yPTL/Block, total 5,000,000 Blocks (~1.9 years)

Stage 2: 5 yPTL/Block, total5,000,000 Blocks, (~1.9 years)

Stage 3: 2.5 yPTL/Block, total 5,000,000 Blocks (~1.years)

Stage 4: 1.25 yPTL/Block, total 5,000,000 Blocks (~1.9 years)

Additionally, PlutusSwap will have ten liquidity pools. Uniswap LP token holders may stake them in the pools. Again, the platform will distribute the mined yPLT among the 10. The yPLT/ETH and yPLT/USDT pairs will have ten times the rewards of others.

10 Compelling Reasons For Choosing PlutusSwap over the rest

PlutusSwap isn't your run of the mill Defi platform. Its unique qualities make it a cut above the rest. Here are ten reasons why PlutusSwap is your goto transaction platform

The force behind it

PlutusSwap is a product of Plutus Capital, a market leader in the fintech area. From 2019 the firm has developed many ecosystem products. At the moment, it is testing the Plutus Chain in readiness for rollout in 2021. It owns the Plutus lending App, opening up a wide range of Defi products to its community.

Built on a Robust Community

PlutusSwap organizes itself around a vibrant community. Through yield farming, it incentivizes the existing and potential members. The holders of yPLT actively participate in the ecosystem's development. They hold the right to vote on proposals and chart the platform's future.

Affordable Access

PlutusSwap expands access to the majority and particularly the underprivileged. It prices yPLT at $0.10, making it an affordable venture to engage in.

Low Market Capitalization

The platform's market capitalization is below $ 100,000. The lower capitalization promises considerable growth potential as it is easy to grow the operational and financial base. The future is nothing but bright for its token holders.

Reducing Mining Rewards

The mining rewards on PlutusSwap reduce by 90% in 80 Hours. This reduction is advantageous as it controls the pace of producing new tokens. Consequently, the reduced production of the tokens leads to their scarcity relative to their demand. In turn, this pushes up the value of yPLT. The holders benefit from this value increase.

Burning of the Reserves

PlutusSWap's total yPLT lifetime supply is 100,000,000. The Genesis stage will produce 10% of these. The tokens realized at genesis are for presale and raising the initial liquidity for Uniswap listing. It will burn the yPLT remaining from the presale and raising of initial liquidity. This burning reduces the amount of yPLT in circulation hence raising the token's value.

Locked Liquidity

PlutusSwap initially adopted a 30-day time-lock contract for yPLT.However since all the premined tokens are burnt there’s no time-lock anymore.

Fantastic APY

PlutusSwap guarantees farmers high yields from their engagement in its yield farms.

Negating Impermanent Loss

Even though there have been advancements in Uniswap's AMM, they have failed to address impermanent loss challenges. PlutusSwaps mitigates this through its yield farms. These enable users to farm yPLT by stacking LP tokens from Uniswap.

Integration Of Plutus Capital App

The yPLT will integrate Plutus Capitals Commercial mobile App. This App has over 1500 MAU and facilitates the lending, borrowing, and earning interest.


It is an exciting time for the Defi industries. Innovations within the space have skyrocketed the uptake of products available to the market. All indications point to a growth trajectory with new players diversifying the market offering. Ironically, most of these fail to address a critical question: the inclusion of masses feeling left out of financial services.

This problem will soon be a matter of the past with the launching of PlutusSwap. It is an AMM-based platform packing plenty of features that will expand access to many yet unserved. Its organization around a robust community, coupled with the higher farming yields it promises, presents its users' a unique investment opportunity.