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Raven X Now Available on PancakeSwap

Following a successful pre-sale, the next-gen decentralized donations platform, Raven X is now available on Pancakeswap and JazzDeFi. Notably, PancakeSwap is the largest DEX on the Binance Smart Chain at this time. Raven X users now have access to this high liquidity market.

Successful Crowdsale

The Raven X network has seen considerable expansion since its launch due to its unique structure. The platform integrates an automated charitable aspect and combines it with passive rewards and a burn mechanism. Together, these features add utility to the platform and provide a humanitarian angle to the project.

There are already 11400 Raven X holders. These participants come from all over the globe. The coin now has a market cap of $12.8 million, with more users joining daily. Additionally, the platform's social media presence has kicked up last week. For example, the team’s Telegram already has 4500+ members.

What Makes Raven X Different?

There are some features that make Raven X different than its predecessors. For one, it’s the first automated donations platform to launch on the BSC according to the firm's documentation. As of late, the BSC has seen growing adoption across the market. This fourth-generation blockchain expands on the functionality of earlier blockchains and integrates some key DeFi features such as staking and liquidity pools.

Raven X leverages these functionalities and integrates an automated donations system with a liquidity pool. The blockchain aspect of the platform provides users with a new level of transparency not found on centralized networks.

Lost Funds Due to Inefficient Systems

In a normal donation scenario, as much as 40% of your funds never make it to their destination. Instead, administrative, marketing, and other costs gobble up these funds before they arrive. Sadly, the traditional charity systems lack transparency. You donate your funds and you’re at the mercy of the organization as to when and how much of your donation will ever make it to your cause.

Recognizing these shortcomings, Raven X's developers decided to create a new type of donations system that leverages blockchain’s transparency and efficiency to enable a new level of clarity to the market. In the Raven X ecosystem, there's no guessing required. You can track your donations from giving, all the way to their intended destination.

Additionally, since the entire donation process is automated via smart contracts. The network’s overhead is minimal. Smart contracts are preprogrammed codes that execute when they receive a certain amount of cryptocurrency. They allow platforms to remove the middlemen and their associated costs. They also eliminate human error by removing the need for human interaction from processes.

Pushing for a Better Tomorrow

Raven X's design integrates an automated charity fee from every transaction. Specifically, 2% of the 6% transaction fee is designated to the Binance Charity Wallet. This feature functions by first converting Raven X to BNB, which helps to reduce the circulating supply of the token in the market. Once converted, the BNB is then sent to the Binance Charity Wallet.

A Real Difference

Notably, Raven X has already made a significant impact. The firm raised $350,000 in under 14-days. Best of all, since the protocol is based on transaction fees, the more users on the network, the higher the donations will become. In this way, the network's humanitarian aspects scale along with its rewards.

Anyone can track these donations and the campaign’s progress here. Donors can also use this link to track their funds to their destination. The Binance Charity Wallet is a community-managed charitable liquidity pool. The goal behind the pool is to provide effective support for charitable platforms seeking last-mile solutions.

Raven X Rewards Users

Raven X users gain more than just great Karma for their participation. The network takes 2% of every transaction fee and distributes them to Raven X holders automatically. Like the charitable aspects of the platform, the system is designed to increase as the network's user base expands. These rewards are distributed automatically via smart contracts. You don’t have to sign up for them or lock your funds into a smart contract. They are issued directly to your wallet without delay.

Long term Approach

The team behind Raven X has also included some other features to help build investor confidence and demonstrate the long-term goals of the project. For one, the network has a deflationary aspect. Deflationary mechanisms are crucial for DeFi networks. Early networks suffered from inflation due to the unpredictable nature of their token issuance.

Raven X users don’t have to worry about inflation because the network automatically takes 2% of the transaction fees and sends these tokens to be burnt. Burning is a term used to describe the permanent removal of tokens from circulation. Integrating the deflationary aspect of the network as a percentage of the transaction fee was smart. It means that the more users on the network, the more tokens get burnt.

In the long term, these burns will result in growing demand. In turn, the value of Raven X should rise to reflect the added demand in the market. Additionally, the tokens that are converted to BNB and sent to the Charity Wallet also reduce the circulating supply of Raven X available to users.

Security First

Of course, none of these systems would be beneficial if the network wasn't secure. The developers have already conducted a full BSC Scan Audit on the network's coding. The platform passed this audit with flying colors. Keenly, the developers intend to continually edit the network as the project progresses.

Dev Tokens are Locked

The Dev funds for Raven X remain locked for 6 months via a DXSALE locker. Also, the project's liquidity is locked for 1 year on the platform. Liquidity locks are used by firms to provide investors with additional protection against rug pulls. Rug pulls occur when whales or developers remove large portions of a project’s liquidity directly following its launch. Sadly, these types of scams have become all too common. Raven X users gain the added security of liquidity locks.

Raven X – More Transparency and Higher Charitable Throughput

The fact that Raven X provides users with more transparency is a huge plus. The removal of middlemen also helps the network ensure that your funds arrive as intended and to the destination you requested. For these reasons, Raven X appears to fill a valuable niche within the BSC ecosystem.

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