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The Top DeFi Incubators on Binance Smart Chain

As opposed to the traditional centralized finance systems, the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) space has experienced a lot of growth and new innovations. The total value locked in Defi expanded by around 150% during the first quarter of 2021 alone. This increased rate of activity has led to a rise in DeFi projects specialized in hosting new startups in the same space.

These DeFi incubators have positioned themselves as key players in the growth of the DeFi space by providing a launchpad for new products. This article will highlight the top Defi incubators on the Binance Smart Chain

Most Valuable Builder

The Binance team has tapped into the DeFi incubator program by crafting its very own incubator, the Most Valuable Builder (MVB) accelerator program. Its developers and operation teams are all under the Binance Chain blockchain ecosystem.

As part of the same organization as the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) the incubator is meant to provide services specifically for BSC startups. The MVB incubator is a product of a $100million seed fund under Binance designed to accelerate DeFi project start-ups.

The seed fund means the program has strong financial incentives for DeFi builders to tap into. Incubating is grouped into 3 phases;

Phase 1 is an open entry phase where potential developers work on various projects with a target of proceeding to the other phases

Phase 2 accepts the qualifiers from the previous phase while giving the qualified startups $10,000 project funding

Phase 3 accepts the qualifiers who proceed from the previous phase with a funding of $100,000 offered

The topmost DeFi startup project could receive up to $2million as a liquidity stimulus

The project also aims to bridge DeFi and the more traditional finance system termed as CeFi (Centralized Finance). The timeline of the first round of acceleration was scheduled to be over by the 23rd of April, 2021. The financial rewards, as well as MVB's tailoring to suit the BSC makes it a top player in the incubating scene.


RioDeFi has recently launched a very exciting incubator hub under the same name. The organization started as a financial ecosystem to bridge the traditional financial sector and the decentralized finance ecosystem. Its entry into the DeFi incubator space was backed by the launch of 3 successful pilot DApp projects.

The 3 include LABS, a pioneer in the end-to-end ecosystem that supports the real estate market, a gaming DApp called Lepricon and MarketDao, a community governed staking, governance, and lending Dapp. This incubator assists grassroots DeFi developers come up with use cases from their ideas to a workable concept.

It does so while guiding developers on sustainable tokenomic frameworks and required sustainable regulatory norms. The incubator program is billed to go a long way in addressing the key blockchain interoperability problem. It aid's the organization's goal of linking the old and new systems of finance by fostering DeFi projects that can operate in DeFi and CeFi thanks to its bridging program.

Thanks to its robust network of venture capitalists and investors, RioDefi offers a good link to fundraising opportunities for DeFi startups. Startups from the Binance Smart Chain would enjoy a potential bridging role to traditional banking from the DeFi space through RioDefi.

Usogui Network

The Usogui Network prides itself in being the first DeFi incubator whose services result in DeFi startups that are profitable environmental projects. The environmental projects are billed with offering workable solutions to climate change while still providing profit margins to users. The native token of the incubator is the USG.

It has incorporated a robust burning mechanism to ensure value is retained. The first is that 1% of every transaction's tokens are to be burned. Then, any unsold tokens from pre-sale will also be burned. The team is also obliged to randomly buyback or burn tokens to maintain conducive prices.

Any DeFi startups from the Usogui incubator can boast of several benefits. The first being that the incubator is attached to the project for the long run. That is, right from the start, all through the point it is listed on exchanges and even after a successful launch through an aftercare program. The network's listing services and marketing advisory mean the startups have an enviable start position.

The project's marketing team assists new projects to navigate the daunting social media platforms with several services. They include a sponsored search initiation and association as well as links to Twitter and Telegram. Usogui provides a very good launching stage for BSC DeFi startups that address environmental issues.


The OxBull DeFi incubator is a very interesting incubation network. Unlike most of its competitors, this incubation platform was developed largely by developers who are just avid blockchain enthusiasts. Its developers were working on the project while also doing their day jobs.

Having such a dedicated and self-driven team of developers has several benefits. The first is that there's a huge technical know-how thanks to the heavy tech background rather than deep finance being the backbone. New developers not well versed in the technicalities required behind the scenes meet with experts who did a successful incubator startup as their guides.

Besides, the developers' drive leans more towards providing a quality and memorable experience to developers rather than profits or impressive startup traffic. OxBull has a captivating user interface to illustrate this. The OxB token is the ecosystem's native asset.

It can be used as a governance token, a reflect token for earning passive income, and an ecosystem token. The ecosystem token is what is meant for startup DeFi projects, with the incubator's developers aiding their users all the way.

While lacking in financial and economic muscle as other incubators on BSC, OxBull offers a more personalized incubator experience designed to bring the best out of startup developers. It also attempts to bring some credibility into the advanced DeFi and blockchain space by leveraging their humble beginnings to create a trust-based incubation ecosystem


The DeFi world is still a long way from reaching its ceiling. DeFi startup incubators guarantee this by giving the new builders and developers a better launching pad. MVB and RioDeFi provide strong financial incentives for the best DeFi projects out there, while at the same working to bridge DeFi and CeFi.

An incubator like Usogui fills out a niche that no other incubator does as it supports climate-leaning DeFi projects. OxBull on the other hand provides a more personalized incubation process having been built by blockchain enthusiasts with a quality rather than quantity focus.