By borscht
Something I've been up that is also on my mind lately is songwriting. I'm trying to get into it. I wrote a song, but then school got in the way of me having time to figure out the instrumentals and production and everything, but I guess I am also currently very focused on editing a video also. With my busy schedule (4 APs + Speech Team + Senior year of high school = too much work) I'm learning I don't have room for more than one thing to chip away at outside of school.
I also, literally just made a blog on here today. So, this is also something I'm up to. I should probably be working on my essay instead of this, but I fell down a bit of a rabbit hole.
Anyway, I'm feeling tired and hazy today, but tomorrow is Friday...a new day.
And I'm ready to kill it.
A response to the Now prompt