where the goddess of love and beauty hides

White Lilies like nodes of fate
on geometric spaces tied to dates
they say things happen for a reason and Gods timing isn’t up for debate
But what do you do in the meantime tryna stay away from all this hate
telling everyone you’re doing great
while feeling yourself being twisted and pained just praying you don’t disintegrate
always finding another way outta that checkmate

Searching for a path to your liberated state
Outrunning all these people attempting to stop your growth rate, fucking up your figure eight
Knowing they’re still in a sleep state
And you haven’t even made it outta the starting gate

None of this shit is up for debate
When they’re telling you to acclimate
To these new tactics that intimidate & dominate
You just can’t relate
Even when you know you ain’t no lightweight

So you fixate on that clean slate, to reactivate, rejuvenate, reanimate your real state
to recapture and reintegrate into your sovereign state

Fuck all that shit telling you to reincarnate
We ain’t no initiate
We have Soulmates in the realms of the Highest State
We ain’t even in the same class, mate
With all these irate ingrates
tryna dictate
how I’m gonna narrate
what type of world I’m able to create