Game Log | The Division – 001 🎮

The depiction of snow is one of the best aspects of this game.
Started a new The Division playthrough. I already finished this game in the past. I'm doing a 2nd playthrough. This time around, I created a female Division agent. My backstory for her is that she was a Paramedic before getting activated as part of the 2nd wave of Division agents.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the start of this 2nd playthrough. It is weird that even after finishing this game, I was still getting frisson when I went through the early game cutscenes. The story in this game, the premise, the motivation to playing as the protagonist, all of it is still really good.

Stay Strong NYC

I am also taking my time enjoying the game in this 2nd playthrough. I'm walking more, instead of running and I'm trying to soak it all in. This is a beautiful living game world that Massive Entertainment/Ubisoft created. The game world in The Division 2, even if its a newer game, just cannot compare to how immersive and atmospheric New York city is in this game. I just love walking around and taking it all in.

The Division
Nothing like going through a snow storm in The Division.
Going through a snow storm is a surreal experience in this game. One that I feel is uniquely tied to this game.

On this 2nd playthrough, I'm also going for a cinematic movie like experience. I am slowly turning off more and more HUD elements. I'm trying to get the least amount of HUD data on the screen, while still being able to play effectively. I just turned off the minimap/radar. So, to get around, I'll figure out where to go by relying on the map. It will be like old fashioned navigation. Check where you are on the map and figure out how to get to your destination.

New character for the 2nd playthrough.
This is my new character for the 2nd playthrough. Note how she has custom looking pants that shouldn't be available to a Level 4 character. That's because the clothing I unlocked on my first character, is also available to all new characters I create for the game.

Another thing before I forget. The money and contents of the Stash from my first playthrough, is available to my agent in this 2nd playthrough. This means that if you stashed cool gear from your first playthrough, you could pass it off to your other agents when you start a new game. I wish I did that. All the items in my Stash are for a level 30 player, so my new agent cannot use any of it. But, at least she will get access to those once she does she reach the max level of 30.

First character I ever created for the game.
This was the first character I created for this game. Funny I only realized after looking at this screenshot, that I spent 98+ hours playing the game with this character.

I'm ending the post here. If you wanted to check the game's photo gallery, you can find it here. I'll be adding more screenshots to it as I play more.

Tags: #GameLog #TheDivision

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