Choosing a new Development Font

Coming from Alacritty, Tmux and Hack, I’m now in WezTerm and trying to find a new Font because Hack isn't working well there.


I've used hack for the last 4–5 years, and it served me well. :) Sadly, with wezterm I have “glitches”, where for example, a minus - is not rendered correctly. Sometimes it appears, sometimes not, and all in the same file.


FiraCode is also an old buddy, which I used before hack.


Monaspace is a good contender for the 1st place but, there are too many options to try. 😅 For all, there was always something that did not fit or felt right. 🤷


Currently, I can't grasp what is wrong with this font because it looks good, but something is off. Maybe because the letters itself are too small?

JetBrains Mono

My current favorite so far.


JetBrains Mono, Mononoki and Monaspace are in the same position, JetBrains Mono is slightly ahead but as a tiny but. I wish the 3 would merge into 1.

Because I can't decide, I've created a small script which picks a random font out of these 3 every time I start WezTerm or change the config file.

In addition, to see which font is currently on, I've added it to my right status.

local NEW_FONTS = {
	"MonaspiceAg Nerd Font",
	"Mononoki Nerd Font",
	"JetBrainsMono Nerd Font",

local font = NEW_FONTS[math.random(#NEW_FONTS)]

wezterm.on("update-status", function(window, pane)
		{ Foreground = { Color = "#949598" } },
		{ Text = font .. " | " },

config.font = wezterm.font(font)

I will test this setup for some weeks and will then decide which one will stick with me for the next, hopefully, years. 😎

66 of #100DaysToOffload

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