Daily check-in, Monday edition

Monday. It's funny how many people hate Mondays. For me, it is just another day of the Week. It has always been. Strangely, I more hate the later days of the Workweek. Thursday or Friday because in the past those days were always stressful. Getting work done. Going shopping for groceries. Planning the weekend and so on. Yay, just a rant about how people hate Mondays and I don't like the end of the Workweek. 🫠

Yesterday I put out another concert post. Which leaves 4 more posts open to be up-to-date with all my concerts from 2024.

Sunday was a really sunny day and everything was covered in frost. Like I wrote on my Sunday freestyle post. We used the nice weather to go for a walk with the kids. We try more to get the little one more into walking. So we left the Thule buggy at home. We took the white cane with us, so he can get more familiar with it. But he had too much fun from the noise this cane was making, while he was going in circles. So I carried him most of the time on my shoulders and, sporadically, I encouraged him to walk a bit again. Our oldest had a lot of fun just running around. Therefore, we were thinking about how we will handle this in the future. We will always have one that is running too fast and one that is staying behind because he can't go faster. I'm curious how this will work out in the future. 🤔

Today is also a sunny day, so my wife and I also went out for a walk after our morning meetings. Alone. Without the kids. It was so refreshing just to walk without having one who constantly interrupts you or needs your attention. We could just walk and talk, and we did is for nearly 2hrs. I like these walks because we can talk about every topic. I don't really like sitting inside somewhere and talking. I'm more of a walk and talker. 😎

This is also post 99 of the #100DaysToOffload challenge. One more to go, this is really exciting, that I really made it so far. :)

99 of #100DaysToOffload
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