My Neovim Plugins #11 — tfm.nvim

I was a long-term ranger user. And I still love this file-manager for the terminal. But sadly, with my move to macOS, something was not working right, and I had no time to invest, to see what the problem. (Mostly graphical issues). So I was on a search for a new terminal file manager which also works inside Neovim. With tfm.nvim, found something nice because it supported multiple terminal file managers. And because yazi was here the default, and it worked well for me, I settled with yazi. Simpler than I initially thought. 😅


return {
	lazy = false,
	opts = {
		replace_netrw = true,
		ui = {
			height = 0.8,
			width = 0.9,
			y = 0.3,
	keys = {
		{ "<leader>e", ':lua require("tfm").open()<CR>', desc = "TFM" },

With <leader>e, I open yazi wrapped with tfm. I use it mostly to explore the project. If I look for a file, I'll use file name search or grep.

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