Enjoy the detours!

The Good The Bad The Ugly #8


Wow, what a long time without an update post. I feel bad and have a lot of topics I want to write about. We are on a vacation trip, and I'll try to use the evenings to complete some of my posts, I've started writing but never finished.

The last few weeks have really drained us. But not working wise, more privately in combination with work. Keeping care of the little one while working, turned out more stressful than expected. When we were forced to start in March, we were optimistic and everything worked quite well. But the little one is growing and claims a lot of attention lately. Which is good, he is not just lying around anymore and plays with his loud toys. Now he is discovering the world through his β€œeyes”. Which is wonderful, and we love everything he is doing. However, we are counting the days until the Kindergarten starts in September. We are not the multitaskers we thought we were. And you feel that the little one needs more input from us and other people. Which is also good, and you can see how he grows with the input. 😊 We've met his Individual case assistance and both seem to like each other. Hopefully, in September everything will go well, and they will be together for a long time. :)

Some topic regarding the #GoodBadUgly posts. I've decided to remove the β€œ – Week 19-25” count. It builds too much pressure on me, to write these posts, and it keeps too much time writing them. This time can be spent on some more interesting posts. I will keep collecting my stuff like in the past because it makes fun to write them and helps me. Maybe I think too much about it and make it too complicated. πŸ˜… I should just write and go on.

So, enough pre-banter, let's start with #GoodBadUgly of the last 6 Weeks. πŸ₯³

The Good

πŸ‘Ά The best thing first, the little one has been walking for some weeks now. Because he can't see anything, he is more walking like a penguin. Slow but steady. Most of the time he has a toy in his hands which he carries around. I've never seen anything so cute. In our house, he is also finding his way into my office, for example, without touching any walls. He is like a little ninja, without making any noise, he comes to you and stands by your side or in the office. Which makes him very happy. 😊

πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ I've set up our pool with a new pump and a β€œpool boy” which just our pool vacuum robot. I am happy with this setup and our oldest and I have a lot of fun, playing in there. The new pump will help to clean the water with a UV-Light and filter glass (filter glass is just glass, crushed to the size of sand). Also, the β€œpool boy” is helping to clean the water.
Last year, we had green water right after one week. Despite having a pump and bromine pill.

🌞 To get some shadows in our garden, I've set up two awnings. They give us a good holiday feeling. I got some wooden piles from a friend and spread out the sails between them. After the summer, we plan to plant some trees, and these sails should last until the trees are big enough to give us enough shadow.

πŸ› To stay in the garden, with the same wooden piles I've build a Swing for the Kids. You can attach a regular swing and a nest swing. The kids love them. And I like them too. Lying down into the nest swing is quite relaxing.

βš–οΈ In these 6 weeks, I've tried to lose some weight. The Plan was to fit into my old Shirt for my brother's wedding. I was on a good track and lost some kilos, sadly at the end, the shirt was still not fitting good enough. :( But the wedding was great. πŸ₯³

πŸ“½οΈ I don't know how I managed this, but I've completed a lot of series and movies in the last few weeks.

🌦️ The weather changed in the last few weeks, and it is raining a lot more. We've laid a new lawn, but our water savings got empty. So we feared that the new lawn is dying before it got to life. 🌱 Now we have full water tanks and a nice lawn. Let's see how the next weeks go. Because it will get dry again.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» On my windows work machine, you can't officially install neovim. But finally, I was able to install it, from the sources. πŸ₯³ Now, I'm seeking an alternative to tmux because there is no windows' installation available.

πŸŽ™οΈ Lacey Sturm made a new record ... in 2023 ... which I totally missed. I like her voice and was sad when she split up with Flyleaf.

🀘 On 18. June, I went to an Asinhell Concert in Berlin (Hole 44) with Endseeker. I'll write about my experience in a separate post. Spoiler: I had a lot of fun. 😊

The Bad

πŸ“… As a freelancer, the May has to many public holidays. I would appreciate it if these days were more scattered around the year.

πŸ“½οΈ I was disappointed with the last 2 seasons of β€œFor All Mankind”. The series started good but lost a lot with each season. πŸ˜”

The Ugly

πŸ“ I forgot to write posts. I don't know really why, but in the last few weeks, it is hard for me to keep thinking about writing a post. Or when I do and start a new post, I write the headline and if I'm lucky, I outline them. But never complete them.

🀯 The start of Week 23 has really dragged me down. Felt like everything was too much and I lost a lot of focus. Also in this week, I had 2 Interviews for new Projects. The Interviews went fine, sadly I got no contract. But that was ok for me. I enjoyed the Interview and I need this from time to time. It helps me to stay confident for these kinds of video calls. These Interviews helped me and pulled me out of the deep end.


Wow, +1200 words. What a beast. Had plenty of topics to write about and said to every topic something. Initially, I wanted to publish it yesterday, but I was too tired to complete it. πŸ˜… Now I'm happy with it and hope I can write some more this week.

And I hope I'm back on track for the #100DaysToOffload challenge. I've started 21/01/2024. 7 Months to go. Means, around 10 Posts per Month. This should be doable without ending in spamming random topics. πŸ˜‚

29/100 of #100DaysToOffload

#log #GoodBadUgly
