Software Engineer and Agile Enthusiast.
Passionate about Product Discovery, Delivery & Operations.
Lifelong Lerner.

Scrum Butler

I think that Scrum Master is a regrettable name for the role. It sounds like a management role with a significant level of authority already. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why it often attracts the wrong mindset. Scrum Butler might have been a better name, considering what the role is supposed to be about. But what would the rate of Scrum adoption be then? How valuable would a Certified Scrum Butler title be for someone’s career? How many training sessions and exams could one sell? And does an organization with a servant mindset among its management already need a framework like Scrum? At least for the organizations out there performing daily agile theatre, it could be of some benefit, though. Those skeptical voices about how Agile is dead will get louder, eventually looking for someone to blame for the disaster. Identifying who killed Agile at their organization wouldn’t require a lengthy investigation. It was the butler, obviously.