Dance with the Crypto Devil
The intention and goal of this blog, is to track and follow along my journey with Crypto, specifically using strategies and technology for potential gaines and likely losses. Sounds ridiculous, vain, and hopeless, I know. So fucking what.
How did it start
My introduction to Crypto in 2021 was, a spectacular failure. Needless I say, I broke every unwritten rule when it came to “investing”. It feels pretty cringe sharing this, but I feel under the alure of Dogecoin and Elon Musk. This was before he went bat shit crazy, I am not a Elon Musk fan anymore. I remember hearing it all over the news, and how controversial it was that a Billionaire, with very questionable ethics would be hosting Saturday Night Live. What caught my attention, a Crypto Currency, being backed by a Billionaire.
Why would a Billionaire need to promote a Crypto Currency, if well, he is a Billionaire? Surely, I am missing something here. This triggered my obsessive nature, and down the rabbit holes I went! I started purchasing Dogecoin, under the firm belief it would create financial wealth for me and everyone I know. I followed the YouTubers, and I joined the Sub-Reddit’s. In retrospect, I was the guy being sold Aerodyne International, by Jordan Belfort. I was the exit strategy.
Well, long story short, I bought at the all-time high and then sold for a loss. I wish I could say this was the only time I made this poor decision. Despite me taking a licking on Doge, I was hooked on Crypto. Yes, getting rich and being financially free was at the center of it, although the spirit, energy, community, and the feeling of investing in something that had limitless potential definitely inspired to continue on. I purchased meme coins, shit coins, pump and dumps, High Market Caps, Low Market Caps, the world was my oyster. I didn’t care about Bitcoin, Eth, or any other Blue Chip Crypto. I wanted to strike it rich!
Well, I didn’t, and here I am. For starters, please do not interpret anything I say as Financial Advice, if anything do the opposite and do your own research. After years of getting my ass kicked, I eventually learned my lessons, stopped purchasing shit coins without any research or strategy, and stuck only with the Blue Chips. So what’s the point? Because I still want to get rich. Buying and holding is great, but who the fuck has that kind of time lol. I constantly see influencers on Twitter and YouTube advertising their gains, hundreds of thousands of dollars, sometimes millions. Am I naïve, probably. Are they lying and full of shit 9 times out of 10, oh definitely. Regardless, I want to see whether I can self- will this, through self-knowledge of trading strategies, Bots, AI, etc.… I’m throwing out the old playbook and starting fresh, should certainly be entertaining if nothing else. So, stick around, and heck even leave of a comment below of your intro to Crypto, I doubt we all started with a steady mind and clear intentions.