A peek into the mind of a sleep deprived software developer, husband, dad and gamer.

Bishop Barron – Using YouTube & Social Media to Demystify Christianity & God | Mind Pump Podcast

I'm subscribed to the Word on Fire newsletter. I've recently learned that Bishop Barron did another podcast with the guys at Mind Pump Podcast. Before listening to the new one that he appeared on, I tried to the listen to the first one. What I found was a wonderful, really good introduction to Christianity and God. Whether you are a believer or not, there is something for everyone in here.

Link to podcast: 827: Bishop Barron- Using YouTube & Social Media to Demystify Christianity & God

Bishop Barron answered some really good questions like:

If you are a non-believer, but have an interest in learning more about Christianity or God, or if you had one of those questions listed above, then you should definitely check out this podcast.

If you are already a believer, this is a great refresher on the Christian faith. The analogy about God acting like Waze was funny, but makes sense.

As a dad, this is great prep work for when my son starts asking me the same questions like, “what is God?” I mean I felt like I knew what to answer before, but after listening to this podcast, I feel like I can give better answers now. So bring on the questions Davin.

You can also find this podcast on Spotify, which is where I listened to it.

#Spirituality #MindPump #BishopBarron #WordOnFire

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