You Can’t Take It With You - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon
The Five Whys Technique
Digital Minimalism w/ Wisephone Creators Chris Kaspar & Jon Lentz | Pints with Aquinas
Journal Entry - 004
Lingering on Positive Moments with a Journal
Music Log - 039 | Acoustic Performances from Shinedown and Heartist 🎵
Journal Entry - 003 | On Digital Gardens
No, you won’t make time. Because you can’t. | writing.fm
Just Let It Go
Journal Entry - 002
On Managing My To-Read List
The Kalam Cosmological Argument
Nothing Beats Driving a Paid Off Car
Fifteen Minutes a Day to Read
Digital Declutter 2022
The human skills we need in an unpredictable world | Margaret Heffernan
Fighting Infomania: Why 80% of Your Reading is a Waste of Time | Nat Eliason
The Simple Things In Life Bring The Greatest Joy
Journal Entry - 001
Thoughts on Season 1 of The Chosen