A peek into the mind of a sleep deprived software developer, husband, dad and gamer.

Weeknotes – 002

I wonder if I can use Write.as as a headless CMS? Basically the idea is, Write.as will host my content, while I consume the content using an ASP.NET Core powered website. That will give me more control of the site's design, code, etc... while keeping the content safely stored in Write.as.

I already have a .NET wrapper library that can query their service for my posts. It might be a fun project to try in the future.

Struggling so much with the “ASP.NET Core 3 and React” book. I am simply following the instructions in the book, but I keep running into compile errors. The compile errors are brought about by the use of other libraries to help with development. I've had to spend more time troubleshooting the errors than actually reading the book.

At the end of another frustrating night trying to troubleshoot the errors, I realized the crux of the problem. The reason I was running into so many errors, is that the latest version of the libraries I was using, was not compatible with each other.

Face Palm

I'm moving to a new team mid-December. It's a front-end web development team. So, I have less than a month to learn React JS and ASP.NET Core.

And now you know why I'm struggling through an ASP.NET Core and React book.

Caleb is in full-on sleep regression mode this week. One night, he woke up a little past midnight and kept waking up every hour until like 5 am. We barely got any sleep. Even when Coney and myself took turns watching him, we both still had a rough night.

Migrating notes from my bullet journal into Obsidian seems kinda redundant. I've been trying to differentiate between what I write on my bullet journal and what I put on Obsidian. But at the end of the day, I still migrate notes from my bullet journal into Obsidian. So, why not just write exclusively in Obsidian? If I did, I could actually switch to a smaller Field Notes notebook for managing tasks. Maybe something to explore in the future.

Make a list of your 12 favorite problems and use them as a guide for what to tackle going forward. These problems will help you figure out what you need to be researching going forward. This seems like a great idea to help get started on a digital garden or personal knowledge-base.

I found it on Maggie Appleton's site, but the idea is supposedly from a certain Richard Feynman.

If permanent notes are the only ones that go into the “slip-box”, then they need to be worthy enough to be considered a permanent note then. And as far as digital gardens go, I think they are the best ones to share online. Fleeting notes get discarded. But literature notes, that served as inspiration for creating a permanent note, should be saved in a “reference box”.

Right now, all these boxes go against my workflow. I have multiple folders based on a certain topic. So not exactly the same setup. Though I'm starting to think that having just three folders – Fleeting Notes, Reference Box and Slip Box – would make everything simpler.

We post pictures of our lives. Okay, that’s nice. We share stupid memes. We all need a little humor. We debate politics, religion, economics, and a few dozen other topics. And what do we gain? Not much. Very few truly listen, and nobody really wins. We’re basically throwing hours of our lives away.

~ Dan Erickson, Social Media Is Mostly a F@cking Waste of Time

So I knew that pressing WIN + D in Windows will minimize all screens. I didn't realize pressing it again will bring all those screens back up. Useful, in case you accidentally minimize all screens.

I understand the “digital garden” metaphor as this — You plant seeds (ideas, thoughts) and tend to them until they grow into a tree with multiple branches (interconnected ideas and thoughts). You tend to the tree and in the future it will bear some fruit (articles, books, essays, videos). You do the same thing with other seeds and pretty soon you'll have a forest?

What I'm starting to realize is that I don't seem to be building a “digital garden” with Obsidian. What I'm building seems more of a personal wiki, a personal knowledge-base, a second brain. It's less of a garden and more of a collection of thoughts and ideas that I don't want to forget. There's not enough space in my brain to store them all, so I dump them out into Obsidian and build on it separately. So, really it's more like a second brain then.

Nothing in this world last, therefore nothing in this world must be the subject of our deepest desires.

Tags: #Weeknotes #DigitalGarden #Zettelkasten #BulletJournal #SocialMedia

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