A peek into the mind of a sleep deprived software developer, husband, dad and gamer.

When COVID Cancelled My Plans, God Showed Up in A Scarf | Jake Braithwaite, SJ

As one of my college professors used to say, “Giving is not giving until it hurts.” This story is a good example of that. But more than that, I think this is also an example of God knowing what we need, way before we even realize it.

Link: When COVID Cancelled My Plans, God Showed Up in A Scarf

Was it purely coincidence that the scarf was where it was at that exact moment in time? Hmm maybe.

But what if it wasn't? If it wasn't, then it is like the author says. It was God showing up in a scarf to comfort him and help him deal with his loss. I think this is an amazing story if that was the case.

Lastly, some sort of realization. If it was me in the author's situation, I'm not sure that I would have been generous enough to give the scarf away. But I think that's an indication of how attached I am to personal and material things in this world. Something I need to work on then.

This post is Day 43 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Visit https://100daystooffload.com to get more info, or to get involved.

Tags: #Bookmarks #Spirituality #100DaysToOffload

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