A place for all of my spicy stories to reside.

Very clearly NSFW.

Find my regular account at @tieflingdio@mstdn.games

Interlude w. Vul (Pt. 3) (NSFW)

Contains depictions of sex, confidence, and self-satisfied tieflings.

Previous Entry: Parts 1 & 2

Vul, nudging me with her foot, breathing shallow. “I thought you were…” she trails off as I lay soft kisses across her thighs, teasing. “oh.”

A tongue, darting out to tease… a gasp…

Flitting memories of the first time I’d offered this from so far away, brave behind a screen. Her assertion, almost apologetic, that this sort of thing ‘didn’t really work,’ an inadvertent challenge issued to her future lover. My secret belief that I could… confident, yes, but also terrified that I would fail.

Our first meeting, the tension electric, pleasantries exchanged.

Sitting on that couch, knees touching, both hesitant to make the first move.

Then, a kiss. And more. Pulling Vul onto me, her skirt little barrier for my hands, hungrily exploring… shaky, dizzy, sex drunk, needing her now now now….

Upstairs, though I don’t remember how… pulling off her skirt, my mouth on her, tasting, shaking with the realness of it all, her surprised gasps, her screams, her little laughs... her legs tensing, her back arching….

Release. I come back to the present, an echo, Vul’s hands resting on my horns, fingers intertwined in my hair, petting.. her legs shaking, a small satisfied grin on her face, lost to the world.

Grinning, I ask quietly “Was it okay?”

A small slap… this ritual ours, this pretense of mediocrity. “Shut up, you know it wasn’t just ‘okay.’” Humor in her voice.

“So like… a 5 out of 10?” I offer.

“Oh my gods.” She sighs, laughing, slapping at me again. “Stop.”

“But it was… it was nice?” A hint of insecurity in my voice, foolish. I know the answer but…

Her tone softens. “It was amazing, of course. As always.”

“Hn. Okay.” I say, meekly, pleased. “I’m glad… it was at least a six out of ten.”

Vul laughs. “Stop, you know that’s not true.” Stroking my hair, she adds “It’s your turn.”

Next Entry: Part 4