A place for all of my spicy stories to reside.

Very clearly NSFW.

Find my regular account at @tieflingdio@mstdn.games

Interlude w. Vul (Pt. 4) (NSFW)

Previous Entry: Parts 1 & 2 | Part 3

Contains sex, affectionately naughty elves, and spice drunk tieflings.

You don’t have to-” I start, still vibrating, still tasting her on my lips. I’m not sure if Vul truly believes me, but… doing that, feeling her react… that’s what I lay awake dreaming about, when we’re far apart.

“Lay down.” She interrupts, beginning to move.

I’d had other plans, though, before I was… like, distracted, and I kind of… wanted to still try them. “Wait, actually… can I uhm…” I giggle, softly. “I totally had an idea until I got the idea of… you know… I stick my tongue out, briefly, rolling my eyes.

Vul pauses in her movement, curious. “Plan?” She asks.

“Yeah, just… sit like you were before?” I say, tilting my head. I’m acting nonchalant, but my tail, the traitor, is doing that slow swish thing it does when I’m…. well, anything. Angry, excited, uhm, spicy…

Vul does not miss it. “Oh, okay. Sure! But why are you still wearing…” She gestures at my knickers, laughing “...those?”

“Wh-” I laugh too. “I dunno, only the jeans were in the way so I didn’t really think about it?” Shrugging, I step out of them, feeling a bit awkward for a moment… I always do, being this exposed isn’t something I’ve ever really been comfortable with so it’s taken time to adjust. But… it’s Vul, and I know she loves me, whatever others say, and her unconscious, hungry looks, well… I don’t know exactly what she’s thinking but I know what kind of thoughts those are.

I climb onto her lap again, positioning myself as I was before, this time without those stupid, comfy jeans. Leaning back in, I meet her lips, sighing, closing my eyes as we kiss, one hand braced on the back of the couch to steady me, leaning into her, suddenly dizzy again, her tongue across my lips tasting, arm around me…

“What was your idea?” She murmurs as we pull away for a brief second.

I exhale, shaky as I open my eyes. “…hm?” Momentarily confused, lost in the moment.

“Your-” She starts, Seeing my dazed look, she laughs a little “Fuck’s sake…” She says, affectionately, pulling me back in for a kiss, her palm sliding down my thigh, inward, exploring…

I lunge forward, gasping, crushing the sofa cushion as she finds me.

“Hnnn… haah…” I gasp, hips rocking gently, Vul knowing exactly what to do. We’re not each other’s firsts… perhaps that would bother others but no… before her, this was a passable entertainment, stress relief if it wasn’t frustrating instead. With her, every time, it’s been… I have no words. She’s the only one that’s ever been able to… I’ve never been able to let go, somehow she can just melt my insecurities, my defenses, I’m just THERE in a way I have never been able to be before it’s-

She breaks the kiss, lifting up my shirt, her tongue, mouth exploring… I’m sensitive, it feels amazing, I’m shaking… a gentle bite, a small scream from me… fingers stroking the underside of my tail, gently.

“Aaah. Fuck!” I gasp, almost whining. I can’t… it’s too much…



Sweaty, resting, limp catching my breath… Vul’s arms around me. Quiet.

“You good?” She asks, softly.

“Hn. Yep.” I murmur. “Wow.”

“Did you like it?” She asks, stoking my hair, exploring my face with her eyes.

I nod. “Gods, yes. I’m goo. Girlfriend goo…” I giggle.

“Yeah there was a lot of that.”


And so it goes. :–)
