A place for all of my spicy stories to reside.

Very clearly NSFW.

Find my regular account at @tieflingdio@mstdn.games

Questions No One Asked (Sinny)

It's been a little bit, sorries! Life has been… eventful and Dio has been a stressed so as spicy as I always am, it hasn’t been really like… coming out in story form. Maybe someone should try flirting…

Jkjk! Well. Maybe. I mean if you think you’re good at it…

Uhm anyway, how about some random Q and A?

#NSFW #Writing #QnA

Q: What are you like drunk? I mean you’re ‘barely contained' so I bet you’re really wild!

Oh totally. Clothes come off and things go craaaazy! Pfhahaha no, I’m kidding. Nah I’m a boring drunk bc I’m self aware. So okay, it's like… I think ‘so, Dio, we're drunk. Enunciate, be aware of how you’re walking, and for fuck's sake don't say that!’

Sorry to disappoint!

Q: Okay but have you ever done anythimg regrettable while drunk?

Apply for jobs that might get me killed! Does that count? Uhm for spicy, no. I’m too paranoid about STIs and pregnancy and tbh hookups seem like work to me.

Q: Like work…?

Oof yeah uhm terrible phrasing. It's like… okay most ppl are just okay at sex even if they care, so with hookups they're self-centered (or so I hear) and not really trying you know? But I’m extra, I like to be good at things, so I can’t help but try my best? If that makes sense?

But, back to vices and stuffs!

Q: Wait, are you good? At sex?

Only one way to find out for sure, ha ha ha.

Vices tho?

Q: Right. So you mentioned drinking. Do you smoke, do drugs, anything?

Not really. I have a vape for fun but I don’t even inhale when I remember I have it and I mostly just like the smell bc it reminds me of Vul. Drugs, no. An ex almost convinced me to try ecstasy once but I never actually did it. Weed is everywhere but it kind of stinks. Mushrooms are a fascination of mine but I’m a scared (and they supposedly taste like poo so ew.)

Q: You mentioned ‘body count' today, what’s yours?

Okay first of all that term is kind of shitty, it was used in a “dead ppl” sense in the ask and I was kind of poking fun. But if you’re asking how many ppl I’ve slept with, probably less than you might think based on my constant state of spicy.

Q: But a number?

…less than ten. See? You probs guessed higher.

Q: Okay since you seem annoyed, let's more on. Any bad habits?

I'm not annoyed.

Hn. I grit my teeth in my sleep? Oh and I don't sleep enough. Oh and caffeine. Nn caffeine

Q: Tell us a sus or spicy story!

Maybe next time!