A place for all of my spicy stories to reside.

Very clearly NSFW.

Find my regular account at @tieflingdio@mstdn.games

Well That Happened (NSFW, Explicit)

My girlfriend and I offer each other, well… scenarios to think about sometimes. One of the recent scenarios involved a sort of friend of ours, with me like… unable to resist. For reasons I’m still… exploring… the idea continues to resonate nearly a week later.

The more you know…

Content Warning: This story is NSFW as fuck. It contains explicit sex, restraints, Dio’s potty mouth, and tiny bit of dom.

Diotima lay on the bed, hands tied to the bedpost, her vision obscured with the blindfold Runar had ambushed her with after she has been securely restrained. Vul, smirking, sat on the edge of the bed... watching, waiting to see what Runar had in store for the young tiefling. They'd.... played before, all of them, but this was the first time they'd... experimented like this. Vul, heterochromatic eyes intent, watching, still… this, seeing her girlfriend… satisfied this way… intoxicating. This had been her idea, after all… knowing, intuitively, that this was what Diotima needed.

“You're sure?” Runar asked, running fingertips across her belly, along her thigh. “You seem nervous.” His tone carried a hint of a tease; she'd agreed, but she was new to this, as they all were... new to this, and to being this open with the sexuality she had long repressed.

“Yeah.” Diotima replied, perhaps more breathless than she intended. “Just... yeah. Okay. I’m fine.” A similarly breathless laugh. “Oh gods.”

“Hmmmmm.” Fingertips, brushing along thighs, across her belly, circling her breasts, nipples. “Just okay? If it is just 'okay', as you say, perhaps I should stop?” Runar enjoys teasing her... and though she’s embarrassed to admit it, she enjoys being teased.

”...yeah, just okaaaaaahhhh!” She gasps as he squeezes, gently, electric shocks running down her spine to the tip of her tail. “Ha ...haaah... oh you bastard.” Diotima gasps, the involuntary press of her hips, just slightly, giving her away.

“Bastard, am I?” He teases, another gentle squeeze. “So you don't enjoy this?”

“Oh... ahhh... oh fuck you...” Diotima says, breathless laughs. “I hate you...”

“No you don't.” He asserts, running a finger along her sex, stroking. “Do you?”

“Pfaaa… Hnn!” Diotima gasps. “Aaah... no. Okay. No. Fine. Aaah... no...”

“No.” He asserts, his fingers gently exploring while he continues his ministrations. “In fact, you want more, don't you?”

”...ha ha.... maybe...” She hedges.

A gentle squeeze. “Maybe?”

“Hnnn! Ahh... fine... yes. Oh gods. Yes. Fuck... you.” Another breathless laugh.


His fingers, gentle for the size of the man, continue to explore her, touching, stroking, eliciting gasps, screams, and the stream of profanity that seemed to be her signature, at least when it came to their interactions.

“Are you enjoying yourself, Diotima?”

“Haaa... nn... yes. Gods. Haah. Bastard. Ha haaah...”

“Good. Do you want...?” He trails off. She knows what he's going to say, and he knows she knows. In the tease, a question… she’s stopped him before. “Or shall we just stop no-”

“No. I mean yes, do it. Hn…” She replies, breathlessly.

“You’re sure? I could just leave you here to cool off-”

“Aah fuck OFF... yes.” Still with the gaspy laugh. “Yeah… I’m sure… dick.”

A small pat on the thigh, teasing. “Be nice.”

A gentle parting of her knees, a weight on the bed...

“Ah... okay. Oh. Ah. Be careful. Please. You're... I'm not used to…” Dio’s experience with men is limited, and Runar is… Runar. “Just… you’re not…” She tenses, slipping into silence as she sometimes does when she’s frightened.

“You're okay.” He reassures her. “I’ll go slow.” He gives her a moment, waiting for the little nod that they’ve discussed when tensions are not quite so high.

A small nod, Dio quiet, anticipating.

And… there.

“Nn. Oh fuck. Ah. Fuck. Haaah. You're…” She gasps. “Hn...” She's new to this... new to boys... and he's not particularly... small. “Fucking…. Hells.” She gasps. She’s trembling, anxious.

“You’re okay.” He says again, giving her a moment to become accustomed to his presence inside her, continuing to tease her elsewhere, playing... then, barely moving, getting her used to having him inside her. They'd tried once before... she’d called him off that time, overwhelmed. “Are you doing well, Diotima?”

“Haaa... fuck. Yeah. But… be careful.” She repeats.

“Does it hurt?”

“No, You’re just... a lot.” She’s lying, he’s probably too much for her. But she knows if she says yes, he may stop. She knows that she’s not being fair… she should tell him, she knows. She opens her mouth to do so, but… she’s can’t. Not this time. “I’m… haaaah… okay.”

“Hm. You’ll let me know if this is too much.” He says. Perhaps he believes her, perhaps not. But he knows her, this girl. She’s persistent. So, playing, keeping her gaspy and engaged, he works to distract her, touching her, driving her a little mad… escalating, now properly inside her.

“Fuck... oh... gods... okay. Okay. Nn. Fuck. Haaaah.”

His earlier ministrations had her close, and she's getting closer... and, though she cannot... and probably will not... be able to take all of him, he's in, properly, for the first time. He knows she’s new to this, so he’s gentle... moving slowly, pausing, letting her feel him without going too fast, trying not to hurt her... they've settled on a comfortable rhythm, bringing her to the edge.

Runar leans over, close to her ear. “Would you like to finish?” He asks.

“Yeah... yes. Please.” She says, between gasps.

Smirking, he leans closer to her ear. “Then I want you to say...” The rest, inaudible.

“Ha ha fuck you no... no way I am saying that!” She says, twitching her bound arm as if to smack him. “Fuck.... aaaah... fuck off!” But her the flush in her cheeks, the gasp… they give her away. She likes this, this little humiliation at the cusp of climax.

He presses into her, just a little harder, drawing a surprised gasp. “If you want it, you'll say it.” They've never talked about this… but his intuition tells him that this is... this is right. This is what she needs. And affronted veneer aside, he felt her body respond to the demand.

“No... won't. Fuck you. Oh... ahh... fuck you.” His fingers are playing with her, trying to draw her out.... she's not noticed, but they're... he's no longer just inside, he's... they're making love, if still gently. “I won't, FUCK you, no...”

“But you will.” He promises. “Come on, Diotima.” A momentary pause, teasing. “Or should I...?”

“Don't you dare! I won't say it... no. No....” Sounding less sure, perhaps. “Hn, fuck…!”

“Diotima.” He says.

“Diotima.” He repeats. “Now.”

“Nnnaaaah!” She gasps. “Fuck you, FINE. FINE. I'll... aaah. I'll say it. But... haaaah... you have to... I want you to fuck Vul next.”

Vul, caught in the moment, watching Runar’s ministrations, her own desire almost palpable, is caught off-guard. “HEY!”

“I will if you say it.” He replies, tweaking her below, making her gasp, shooting a wink to Vul.

“Threw me under the bus!” She laughs. “Bitch!” Her playful curse, evidence of their otherness.

“Haah. Haaa fuck you too.” Dio curses, breathlessly. “Okay. Okay... I... nngh.” She's already flushed, so a blush is not likely to show. “Oh you bastard, I hate you... aaah... I am... I'm...”

“Diotima...” He teases, sensing that she's close.

“Oh fuck you... she gasps. I'm your... aaah... I'm your good girl, you fucking dick…!!!!” And, as he suspected, that pushes her over the edge. She's never an easy one, from what Vul has said... but he's managed her twice, now.

“Now, was that so hard?” He teases.

Laughing silently, shaking, she finds her voice. “Oh fuck you... I hate you so much... you're a bastard, you're a... you're a dick. I hate you... haaah...” She grumps, breathless. “I don't even LIKE boys....”

“No?” He inquires, leaning over to kiss her.

“Nn.” She grumbles. “Fine. Maybe... one. Some… sometimes. You're still a dick though.” And then, as he pulls out “Nnnaaah. Oh. Ah. Ow.” Sensing his concern, she reassures him. “I'm… it’s okay. You're just... like… a lot, dude.” That word, from another world, like Vul’s… slipping out when she was distracted, anxious, or… relaxed.

Runar pats her cheek. “Did you enjoy it?” he teases, but his question is sprinkled with a hint of concern. Dio can be a bit... difficult to read, at times.

“Ha ha fuck you. Fine. Yes.” She replies. And then, after a moment: “So can you let me go so I can watch you...” She would motion, but she's still tied up.

“Hmm. No. I have a better idea.....”

#NSFW #Bondage