Messenger of Hope

#poetry #death #mortality #hope #writing

TW: Death, Mortality, Grief

When you died, I fled
Our home a home no longer
The remnants of your presence a stark reminder
That I’d failed you

I’d promised you, once
That I would be with you until the end
You, telling me it was time and me
Pretending not to hear

That day, we sat in the sun
Inseparable, one last time
My irrational belief
That a heroine was coming to save you

I confessed to you my despair
I did not believe in ‘after’
Fearing that this was our final goodbye
And wishing it was me instead of you

I could believe, I wept
If the universe would show me a sign
Absurd in its specificity
I spoke my request aloud

As we prepared to say goodbye
The universe

I watched you die
Your life, extinguished by my hand
The heart of you, gone from your once vibrant eyes
Their lifelessness haunting me still


In my heart, the barest seed of hope
My absurd demand of the universe, granted as it was
Making it possible for me to believe
That some day, we would be together again

Until then
Know, my brilliant girl
I miss you terribly
And I love you forever.