QNOA – Ragey Edition

Just a quick, semi-serious bit of Q&A.

#ama #silly

What are you like when you are angry?

Not nice.

Oh come on, you’re not that bad, are you?

I really am.

Okay, look. You want to know how ‘not nice’ I am when I’m truly angry? Fine. I’m good at reading people, I understand how people work even if I’m not… good… at friendship, relationships, whatever. And I am, always have been, very good at identifying people’s weaknesses, fears, intuiting their secrets. Me truly angry, me unbound? I know how to fucking dismantle people. It’s not funny. It’s not nice. And it’s definitely a point of shame, that I’ve done that to people. So… I joke. I control myself. I curb it. Mostly, that works.

Yikes. Anyway, moving on… what are some of your pet peeves?

Hn. People talking over me, that’s a big one. I’m an introvert, it’s hard enough to speak up as is. And you’re going to be an asshole and talk over… ugh. UGH.

What else… people telling me what to do. I fucking haaaaaaate people trying to force me to do things. Like seriously, you think making demands is going to work on me, you’re going to have a bad time. I even hate GOOD advice framed as telling me what to do. Anti-authority, why yes, I am!

One more, let’s see. Bullies. I hate bullies.

Have you ever done something in anger that was actually dangerous?

Hn, let’s see, some dumb boy pointed a gun at me as a ‘joke’ so I stepped in and took it from him and almost broke his finger doing it. Yeah whatever pew pew but maybe don’t do dumb stuff like point a gun at me, okie?

This got serious. Shall we lighten the mood?


Tell us something SFW and sexy you’ve done?

…I’m not a sex doll.

Come on Dio, it’ll lighten the mood!

Fuck me, fine. Whatever. Okay. So… one time when I was like, a teenager or whatever I might have like… sneaked into a tiny shed to kiss one of my friends and me and her kind of… got locked in because we didn’t check to see if the door was openable from the inside?

Ha ha ha so what happened?

I mean I broke the window of the shed and got out, my dude. What else? I was supposed to get caught smooching?

No I meant what exactly hap-

Yeah no THAT kind of story goes on the After Dark blog, nice try.

You’re in a better mood now though after telling though, yeah?

…actually yeah. Hah. Thank you.