Your Money is No Good Here

Look, I don’t take donations and I don’t intend to sell anything on Diotima Writes or Diotima After Dark. I write what I write as an outlet for my creativity, as a means of like… quelling the cascade of emotions that sometimes threaten to overwhelm me. If you want to ‘pay’ me, letting me know that something resonated with you is more than payment enough.

Bardic Perspiration is different but the same. We didn’t start Bardic with the intent of getting rich. We’ll never make access to the content we create contingent on cash donations or registration or any of that annoying, gatekeeping stuffs we see spreading like digital cancer. We create what we create out of love, not because we see an opportunity to monetize our content.

Will we ever offer a means of supporting the site? I dunno, maybe? Vul and I may at some point do something to offset the cost of running the site if things start getting expensive, but right now the cost is extremely manageable. Maybe we’ll create some tangible things, maybe we’ll allow donations, but like… a donation isn’t a donation if it’s buying something, you know? So… content, always free.

Free information… wasn’t that like… the point of the entire Internet or something?

Love you all.

#freethecontent #nopaywalls #nologinrequired