This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

A deeply personal part


I'm not asleep. The unwinding failed. Just as I were almost sleeping I might've dreamed I thought that I was slipping on ice and jolted to a wide awake state. (It's caused by the full moon today which lay partially hidden behind some black gray clouds. An awesome sight.)

I'm now thinking about the dream I had with the foldable car (which looked like a mix of a car from downtown abbey and a modern car). It disappointed me I think because whenever I was young and was looking for a parking spot I had this fantasy of a car which could be folded into a suitcase. Instead the problem solved itself as I moved to a rural area. But still it was a disappointment nonetheless.

The ugly hen is indeed ugly. It's fascinating how rich personalities these chickens have. One of the turkeys she used to nibble at the others’ feathers and that's how come the ugly one got uglier: she looks ready for the oven. (She's (the turkey) stopped with the nibbling, which wasn't due to protein deficiency as she is the beautiful one with ice cream white coat). That's not what makes the ugly hen ugly either. Not primarily: She and her sister used to be outcasts: They would roost all day and night at the neighbours’ from fear as they were never integrated to the flock there (they were attacked on sight) and so we brought them home. One would think such trauma would create a sense of humility and understanding but she was the meanest to the two hatchlings (unless you count the one beautiful lesbian turkey “the angel maker” who literally tried to kill them). It's an outlet for some people and chickens that: to just pass the trauma on, or if you choose the path of light (which I try to do) you try to break the circle ❤️, by eating the red pill so to speak, or more accurately to walk the narrow path. Anyhow that's why she's ugly I think. Of course she's got good sides too. Chickens are complex like that.

Finally I got a new shot at that code test and made a pretty clever solution I think. That's a funny reflection that some days, my brain seems unable to compute the most trivial tasks, like there's a soft lockup in there or something. Other days I feel like a mental Bazooka. Just look at this post for example.
