This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

About the dead hen after abrief medical update

👌 what’s up?

I’ve been stomach sick it wasn’t (only) the black bile then, but the yellow one too. In either case, I believe the medieval doctor might’ve recommended bloodletting.

But now it’s all good.

I’m having this week off to spend time with the family.

The hen:

The hen was so beautiful: the feathers were of a gray like tone which in sort of like a gradient to a beige like yellow. Just incredibly beautiful. Her wonderful little cute chicken face, though, was her greatest aspect I think. She had dark eyes which looked old and tired, a beautiful pink comb and a beak which was gray at the base and yellow at the tip which gave her a really stern expression.

Hens do have the resting bitch face which makes them look awesome.

She was old and slow, first one to roost, didn’t lay no eggs and had a mild and gentle temperament. She always included the new chickens and hatchlings in her daily activities. At one point she and a few young turkeys had formed their own clique and went about their business in the sun. Mostly that includes laying in the sun or looking for food or sand bathing and stuff like that.

There’s another little hen it’s the feisty one with a very big personality and a white beak. Her last night the gray one rested her little head on her white friend (Chickaleta) and I knew something was up.

And when she died she weight nothing, like a balloon with feathers on it, but I used to feel her warmth and the beating of her heart but now she is cold and the heart doesn’t beat no more.

She’s buried in the compost heap.

That’s the obituary.