This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been piling up inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

About the weather II

Isn’t the weather in spring and autumn ideal? It’s warm but nobody is pestering you about swimming or laying in the sun, I’m more of a goth (but not a vampire); I like to be obscured by shadows, and my element of choice is the moon.

It’s not an element really, the moon, but that is beside the point which is that I’m more of a moon worshiper than a sun worshipper. Of course the sun is what makes the moon shine so I am a sun worshipper by proxy, but that’s also besides the point.

A tinge of darkness is what makes me such a complex and interesting person.

I’ll make myself as the archetype for my protagonist in my books; a vampire bitten half-elf paladin who has claustrophobia about the casket and who is lawful good but forced to evil deeds by the vampire urge to kill. With frog hands from the consistent rainfall. And one of them velvet top hats on the silver steel blonde long flowing hair. And a cane with a sword hidden inside.

A rather handsome figure with elf ears.