This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

All is well, at the end of the day If you're still alive

Hello. 🙋‍♂️

Please hang in there.


👌 It will get better.

ok I’m at home since a few days. That’s the best part of travelling, to come back home. It’s not perspective or anything, because I know all this (that’s why avoid it). I have that perspective. Maybe for the dogs then (if they need some perspective): they were very excited to see me, and I was happy to see them too. I love them. and I’d bought some cool goth stuff for my daughter which I was excited to show her. I love her too. It was this cool pentagram t-shirt and some necklaces with coffins and such stuff. Really cool. The people in the store looked very cool too with a goth style and were very friendly. And of course it felt great to see my wife too. We were all happy to see each other. Except the cats, they didn’t care one way or the other.

Speaking of which:

My Polish friend is jealous that I get to read all of the Witcher books for the first time, and I am happy for that. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. It’s really great.

i like Kellerbier.

The other best thing about travelling is to take the train home, listening to Wind Rose and reading those books, with a coffee right there on the table and the land starting to get more and more familiar. And the darkness out there with the moon which I cannot see through the train ceiling, but which is there nonetheless. And the land out there, as it gets darker becomes also hard to see but I know what it is: snow on trees on either side and sometimes a house or two (with snow on too): I’m home.

And now it’s Sunday, what the duck? Like ok ok but what if I’m not ready for another week yet?

I guess there’s no getting ready for Mondays really, I’ll have to wing it.

Ok thanks for reading and 🙏 keep fighting!