This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

Dramatic weather

Hello hello!

Either I’ve slept too much or not at all lately, and have woken up with a nosebleed and a horrible feeling somewhere near the stomach or throat. In anticipation of this, this morning I put the alarm on for eight.

Also I saw the soccer game and it was a little bit pleasant, but not much.

My sister in law who I love like a real sister, her child and I went today for a fishing trip in my mum’s small aluminium boat. The cute little child had never been fishing before, being only four years old. There were a few dark clouds but the weather was pleasant and mild, the scenery on that lake was very beautiful as always. I think that’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen; it’s like a valley with some trees, houses scattered among the farmsteads and hills on either side and the blue sky is reflected perfectly on the water, with clouds and everything. All silent mostly. Anyway the little child caught her first fish: a small one we threw back. We ate cookies and the sister and me drank coffee from a thermos, but then suddenly the rain fell in bucketfuls pouring so I rowed quickly ashore, the paper bag I cleverly brought the stuff in quickly dissolved, spilling all of the thermoses and stuff onto the ground. Somehow that was very funny as we had to walk back to her car with the stuff carried in our arms, soaking wet.

Then finally this evening another dramatic encounter in mum’s pergola, which isn’t quite a pergola but it provides shelter from the rain, except suddenly as we were all of us eating a Greek salad, the rain started falling in a way which made the boat rain seem like nothing: raining horizontally and vertically., hail, such an overpowering sound on the roof that it was deafening. Windy so to couldn’t breathe right. Carrot the turkey tom got very scared, shrunken and miserable I carried the fella back into his home in mum’s barn through the rain and hail and there we stood, counting the seconds after each lightning strike till we heard the thunder rumbling and ofttimes they were simultaneous meaning the lightning struck near, which indeed my neighbour confirmed cause he’s got this app which can somehow tell where it’s lightning and it said it was everywhere.

Went home to put a dry change of clothes on for the second time.

Now the weather is sunny again as if it never been anything but, but the earth I’ve dug up for the foundation is filled like a dirty Swimmingpool.