This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

Executive summary

Now riding the train back home again after bidding everyone farewell yesterday, following a long streak of beer gatherings with various people which I probably will never see again and thus closing this chapter of my life.

It was not a moment too soon.

There was too much excess of everything this trip I think: too many nights of too many beers, too many friends, too many croissants and too much attention directed my way as I said my goodbyes and so forth and now I’m just hungover and tired and I’m not sure what I think or feel (except for the tiredness and hungoverness).

When I’ve gotten some perspective I’ll ponder why this whole thing got me so worked up it’s like the protective layer moderating the emotions suddenly got thinner and even semi translucent.

Maybe I’ve just gotten more in touch with my emotions lately and if that’s the case it’s too much of that also.