This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been piling up inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

Happy Sunday evening

👋 hello hello

Thinking I should take a few days off. Thinking I should do something about my fear of heights. Like exposure therapy and everyday climb the scaffolding as high as I dare to and then add one step.

Thinking that it would be easier to have a few beers first to loosen up the nerves as alcohol does sometimes lend courage.

Then again I’m thinking probably that’s not a very good idea.

That’s all I’ve had the time to think about so far. The other stuff are mostly such thoughts I’ve thought before.

I’m like a record or even a song stuck on repeat.

I’m thinking that most ideas and thoughts people in general have (me included) are such things which more or less have been thought before in some shape or form.