This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

I’m on the train. There’s darkness deep blue not black out the window, and sometimes there are brilliant flashes of light that’s got to do with that power line overhead somehow sending sparks.

I’m listening to that „Ghost“ track off Jon Schaffers’ favourites playlist, „Genesis“. It’s a good one. The Witcher or der Hexer book I’ve put down for now. I can see why these books are so popular.

When I woke up this morning I was clueless. Didn’t know what day it was or why I was waking up etc, which all was very unsettling, but soon I came to my senses and now I’m on the train.

Is on my way to the office but again I’ve forgotten my access fob and frankly speaking I’ve no clue where it is.

I’ve got too many keys and passwords and 2FA it’s like I’ve given up in that regard and they keep rotating them and even the password managers’ passwords are put into other password managers with 2FA.

I watched this anime with my daughter, dang dang rumpa or some shit like that, and the guy there he said that “being positive is the only thing I’ve got going for me” and I found that very funny.

Should I write about the moon? Yes: like a week of brilliant full moon evenings, nights and mornings it’s significant.

I fucken hate YAML