It feels unnecessary to add whole grain pasta to this tough world
I had a nightmare again last night. It’s often something with Pennywise the clown from the 1990 version of IT, which I did watch in my youth. I still remember one time (might’ve even written about it) in another dream like when he came out of one of those Norwegian fish gratins, the type you put in the micro wave oven; the mashed potatoes and the sause and fish and all that became Pennywise’s grotesque clown face and I woke up. This time I don’t remember anything specific unfortunately, just that I had a nightmare with Pennywise in it again.
It’s a damn feeling the waking up in the middle of the night, too scared to move and too scared to go back to sleep. Mmm
speaking of which, there is one type of food which I find very sad. It’s the whole grain spaghetti: you take something good and remove all which makes you happy about it except the shape, and make it into something I would’ve enjoyed if I were a horse.
I think life is tough enough already in a world like this.