Mediocre post with dream snippets
There’s been a warm winter day with a big yellow sun today, and therefore I went out for a little bit.
Last night I dreamt we were driving some truck which had to be mended with a screw driver. It was maybe a tow truck or something, and then it jumped to another dream: It was cold and dark and we were some sort of bums lying on the ground. It was the type of concrete floor, not asphalt. There might have been puddles and the type of dirt found in parking garages. We were dirty also, and naked and were spooning under a wet and dirty blanket for warmth. The blanket was thick and light blue and made of polyester. Just as the dream was about to take an erotic twist, the dog woke me.
The situation is that since the small dog now has learned to jump out of the bed at night he will poo and pee on the carpet and/or floor and then jump back up. Because he is a puppy. To thwart him we did remove the thing which is a type of furniture put at the foot side of the bed which the dogs can use as an intermediary step up and down between floor and bed. Anyway we moved it so that he’d wake us instead so we can let him do the shit outside. That works🥂. The problem is now that the slightly bigger dog can get down from the bed anyway, but she can’t get back up again. So she stays by the foot of the bed barking until we let her back up. Don’t know what she has in mind to do in the middle of the night. No clue what goes on in her little dog head sometimes but I do love her nonetheless.
I can’t believe it’s Sunday again.