Memento Mori
Hey the world is a crazy place I’m inspired to write about it. I got a sense of impending doom. Everything could be swept away like a rug pulled out from underneath and what is down below? Do you know what’s down there? Hell.
The fact is that there’s so much could go wrong, did you see fifth element when this dude Zorg chokes on that cherry? That could be the end. It doesn’t have to be a war or anything.
How to cope with that? Memento Mori? I wish to have lived a life I could look back upon with pride. I will try to walk the narrow path.
Some days though, it’s enough of a struggle to just get out of bed, right? Some days feel insurmountable, and yet here I sit on the train again, feeling good about myself?!
It’s not black out there.
The sky looks like the snow again.
Another thing: I really like the switch statement in Java and others. Specifically without the default case and with Enums. This way you will have to cover all values explicitly and if the Enum is extended with new values, the compiler will force you to add them!! That’s pretty n neat life hack!