This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

Mildly interesting memory from before

Now the cat is asleep in my lap. I’ve been doing a lot of stuff lately which I won’t go into great detail about here, but everything is well. And that’s great. Great indeed. I am alive, just like any Solaris 10 machine would be able to confirm were they able to ping me.

Once when I was administrating Solaris 10 systems (among other things), we went the last day before my vacation to play some badminton. It was a 2v2 game, so I felt I needed to participate even though I felt in my systems what could be the beginning of a slight cold. One in the opposing team was superior and was playing the ball in such a way that I had to run the longest way always to catch the next one, which I frequently failed with, even though I gave it all I got (I always do it like that even though I don’t care much if I win it not).

When we were done and were going on the subway for some beers at the end of the day, I wasn’t feeling quite right, so instead I went back home and fell asleep and was knocked out abed for the whole first week of my vacation.

That just goes to show that even smart people do dumb things.

And dumb people do too.