This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

There’s been something sad about me lately, bent as I’ve been in the gloom in front of my screen, using Teams on Windows. Having a beer belly. Using 2FA everywhere everyday. Typing my passwords and the PIN, the confirmation code and then again: the PIN. Not just one. It feels like dying in the inside a little bit.

Guess I’ve been stressed. Think I’m too old to start a new job like this: my fortune of trust and goodwill that I accumulated throughout the years is now reset.

It’s been dark.

What else is there? I’ve been wanting to write about that fox which gnawed on one of my crocs and ruined the sport mode strap.

Then I thought who cares about my crocs.

Who indeed.

Usually when I’m feeling this way I try to do something, like jog, or whatever, but even I, who am attuned to the moon, cannot see in this blackness out there.

ok I’m neither starving, eaten by dinosaurs, in prison, homeless, alone having the Black Death nor in a war.

And I’m getting my sense of smell back

I stink