This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

This post isn’t about anything really

There are many negative thoughts up in my head now with all the stuff going on but suddenly from my playlist came that J LO album: Brave. It fills me to the brim with the will to muddle through and straighten my back up and push through with the stone face and grit !!!😤

Such a great album that is, brings back memories from Barrens from about fifteen years ago back when I was a blue nosed raptor riding restoration shaman troll and this album was released. Those were simpler times.

Think this album is such a great one; about first of all not judging other people (specifically Jennifer Lopez herself) (mile in these shoes), and besides from that it’s a very strong love album, think it might’ve been when she was still together with Marc Anthony, still high on those love hormones.

It’s just also a great proof that you don’t have to have a very good singing voice to produce a masterpiece album. Surely that’s inspiring.

Anyhow my big monitor broke yesterday, just like that. As if I didn’t have enough shit to deal with, so I went to nearby Radio electronic store and bought me a 17” with HDMI plug, which was actually pretty good cause like I said I tried WoW Classic with my friend yesterday, as alliance 🤨. A night elf druid I killed a bunch of spiders and it wasn’t very fun, but it felt appropriate to have such a small screen cause that’s such an old game.

We’ll play again this evening I hope.