This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

Two interesting dreams

I dreamt that we were going out into the night in a big city to go to a pub or a bar. I was with a friend and we were going to meet up with some people including my mum and my sister, and as my friend was talking to one of them to arrange where to meet, as he or she was hanging up, they mentioned another place in a different part of town, thereby creating an ambiguity.

We went by subway to one of the places. It was dark outside and wet. The bar where we were going to meet up looked cave like as if it’d been blasted out of the rock and had a yellowish paint in the ceiling.

They weren’t there.

As I bent over to talk to someone at the table next to us, I hit my head on a recess in the yellowish rock like ceiling and when I looked back to where my friend used to sit, he or she was no longer there.

I was alone.

Then I woke up real quick for a toilet break from the dreaming.

The next dream w was that we had four cars. One of them could be folded so as to take up less space.

It was a slight disappointment when walking up to realise that the foldable car didn’t really exist.