This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

What a nice day it’s cold

Hey I’m on the train again. It’s striking how it isn’t black outside like last time but rather a grayish white tone with the snow blanketed ground seems to merge with the sky and there are trees. And I saw a little red house just now.

Fucken car it won’t let me climatize. It’s to spare the batteries it claimes. Whenever it’s like today -20c, it won’t warm up the car. It is a fuck. It’s to get to the train station.

I should’ve eaten a sandwich but I’ve only drank coffee so far today.

There are many crisises right now it feels like. I don’t want to write about them here and now however. Because when thinking about them it (the brain) won’t let me think straight.

I may have a brittle mind sometimes, which is fault tolerant like an OpenVMS cluster, but which has the data loss problem nonetheless.