Missives and musings on a variety of topics.

Some 2021 Writing Stats

On January 2nd of this year, I moved my blog from a self-hosted Hugo site to Write.as, thinking it'd help me write more. How did that go?

Well, over the past year (including this post), I published 113 posts here, in total. Of those, 42 are long-form posts, and if my calculator is right, 71 are title-less, “tweet” style updates.

Of the long-form posts, twenty were part of a short-lived Elsewhere series, where I'd collect some links to articles I'd read that week and provide a short comment on why I found it interesting. I think I'd like to revive that for 2022, but maybe on a less frequent (monthly?) basis.

Distilling it down to long-form original writing (i.e., longer than a tweet, and with a title, not including the Elsewhere posts), that's almost two articles per month. I'm happy with that frequency of writing.

Beyond my writing here, I also wrote a few articles related to the development of the (open-source) WriteFreely app on at write.as/angelo, and periodic updates on my business blog.

The business site is still a Hugo-powered static site, and while it's significantly easier to publish on Write.as, that's not really an issue for the template-y, once-a-month posts there, where I collect some numbers and share updates and a couple of thoughts.

Anyways, here's to writing more in 2022. 🥂

#meta #writing
