Jonah and the whale reimagined

No other picture has brewed in my imagination as much as this one.

(Here’s the artist I asked to make this by the way.)

Where do impressions like these come from? Who really knows. But for my case I have two reflections; one from before the picture existed and one after.

I used to imagine the fish swallowing Jonah as primarily a punishment, the greatest grounding nature could give. It made sense. The rebel prophet got his grounding. But reading Jonah again, a different picture appeared. A man sinking into the depths swooped into life.

Jonah’s story captures and speaks to parts of today’s human experience in a surprisingly relevant way. The feelings, themes, creatures, even genre all feel connected to today’s cultural moment.

Use this picture however you like. I’d love to hear what it pulls out for you or what you use it for. Email me at

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