Interesting Things, May 2020 Edition

Lorn + Dolor

Zero Bounce.

LeBrock's Real Thing

This album is great. It's synthwave with an 80s hair metal singer. Sign me up.


Man I love this show. It's funny and heartbreaking and disgusting and a perfect example of how hard it is to navigate life sometimes. It can all make sense and still not work out! And that's okay.


I picked up the pocket version containing most of Kipling's poems. Just full of fantastic verse.

Down to Gehenna or up to the Throne, He travels the fastest who travels alone.
– The Winners

Ship me somewheres east of Suez, where the best is like the worst, Where there
ain't no Ten Commandments an' a man can raise a thirst; For the temple-bells
are callin', an' it's there that I would be – By the old Moulemein Pagoda,
looking lazy at the sea
– Mandalay