Input-Process-Output Resource Flow pattern
This is one of the two basic patterns of Valueflows. One Process is connected to other Processes when the output Resource of that Process becomes an input to the other Processes.
Schematically, that is: (P)–>[R]–>(P)–>[R]–>(P)–>[R]–>etc.
Track and trace follows those flows forwards and backwards from a starting point, usually a Resource, somewhere in the flow.
That same pattern occurs on all three levels of the Valueflows vocabulary: Knowledge, which describe how processes work. Plans, which describe processes which are intended to happen. And Observation, which is a record of processes that have already happened.
So on the Knowledge level, that's:
Or on the Plan level, that's:
Here is an example:
Those flows can connect different people, organizations, and even ecosystems, into networks of networks:
That same IPO pattern is used in many fields of study and analysis, as you can see from . IPO use for is almost the same as we use it in Valueflows.