i take one breath / mint at a time

bash scripting practice: batch add users

#bash #scripting #bashsyntax #UofTBootCamp #homework


Without them, the for loop will break up the array by substrings separated >by any spaces within the strings instead of by whole string elements within >the array. ie: if you had declare -a arr=("element 1" "element 2" "element 3"), >then for i in ${arr[@]} would mistakenly iterate 6 times since each string >becomes 2 substrings separated by the space in the string, whereas for i in >"${arr[@]}" would iterate 3 times, correctly, as desired, maintaining each >string as a single unit despite having a space in it.

Syntax Quickies

quick init + iteration

read -a arr <<< "one two three" for i in ${arr[@]} do echo $i done

passing multiple arrays as arguments

declare -a argAry1=(“${!1}”)
echo “${argAry1[@]}”

declare -a argAry2=(“${!2}”)
echo “${argAry2[@]}”
# array variables could have local scope
local descTable=(
local optsTable=(
“—msix —iread”
“—msix —iwrite”
“—msi —iread”
“—msi —iwrite”
aryasarg descTable[@] optsTable[@]