i take one breath / mint at a time

Network Monitering/ Communications

#nmap #netstat #netcat #ncat #telnet #tcpdump #curl #wireshark #bannercapture

nmap: networking mapper/port scanner that reports what it is able to connect to

– when you want to know about open ports on a remote system
– when you want further info about the service listening on each port
– when you need a second opinion about listening ports

netstat: network statistics / diagnostic that reports what the kernel knows about listening the established connections

– what is listening on your local machine?
– process or interface/address info for each port
ONLY IF you trust the OS to give the correct answer (if you've been hacked, a rootkit can make the OS lie to netstat about what really is going on)

netcat: port-scanning, banner grabbing, transfer files

ncat: concatenate and redirect sockets




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