i take one breath / mint at a time

Recursion 003

#recursion #datastructures #devstudy #balancedparenthesis #boolean

The Problem:

Write a method that accepts a string containing open or closed parenthesis and returns true if the string has a balanced set of parenthesis. Use recursion if possible.

Using the 10DIME approach to making sure I understand the problem:

Input: a string of parenthesis

Output: boolean. true if balanced, false if not balanced

– balanced means that the string has the same amount of left brackets as right brackets
– not balanced means that there is an uneven amount of brackets


  1. make string an array and remove the commas

Solving through iteration idea:
2. IF ODD: I want to split the string into characters, check if there is an odd total amount of chars, if so, return false
3. IF EVEN: I could:
– iterate through, collect all left brackets, save the count
– collect all right brackets, save the count
– if they are the same, return true

Solving through recursion idea:

What is my repeating function?

What is happening each time the recursion is called?

Methods: N/A

Edge Cases:
– if array is empty
– if array only contains one type of bracket


def is_balanced?(string)
return false if string.empty?
arr = string.chars.delete_if { |s| s == "," }
if arr.count.odd?
left = []
arr.each do |bracket|
if bracket == "("
left << bracket
left.count == arr.count ? true : false

p is_balanced?("") == false
p is_balanced?("(") == false
p is_balanced?("(,)") == true
p is_balanced?("(,(,(,),)") == false
p is_balanced?("(,(,(,(,(") == false
p is_balanced?("(,(,(,),),)") == true